No one likes warming up; if you do, let me know! Most of us just want to get to the run part.
One of the best ways to cut the resistance to warming up is to have a routine. Here's why:
1. It takes the thinking out of it; you can just be on auto-pilot
2. You’ll realize how long it takes after a few go-throughs: you’ll realize it’s not THAT long and it’s not adding THAT much more onto your workout. So, you might just stop procrastinating and just do it.
Do’s: dynamic (moving) warm up; keep it short and sweet; add some warm up miles as a cherry on top
Don’t: static stretching isn't beneficial to running performance; don't spend too much time warming up-don't "leave the run in the warm-up"
Save this warm-up routine-see if having one ready to go makes you more likely to do it!
10/e: Arm swings/circles (vertical and horizontal)
5-10 body weight Squat jumps
High Kicks (2 sets of 10/each side)
2 sets of 10 :Pogo hops or high knee skips
Strides/Striders (20-30 second run at 8-9/10 effort with full recovery in between)